Exercise Biohacks To Induce Bone Density and Grow Muscles in Less Time

A version of this article was first published by Bulletproof Podcast with Dave Asprey


Inventor, author, and scientist John Jaquish, PhD, stumbled upon his life’s mission to promote bone health and advance osteogenic loading research after his mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Determined to help her and others suffering from musculoskeletal conditions and pain, John developed amazing biotechnology devices that increase bone density, strengthen muscles, and improve stability while reducing injury risk.


In this fascinating conversation, recorded live at the Be Unlimited event in San Francisco, Dave and John discuss how you can build stronger bones and muscles by leveraging variable resistance, how an amazing technology called OsteoStrong can increase your bone density in just 10 minutes a week, and how you can put on more muscle in less time by leveraging John’s biomedical engineering wisdom – and his X3 Bar.


If you want to build stronger bones and muscles in less time with less effort, then you don’t want to miss today’s episode!

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