Reclaiming my bone health one session at a time | How OsteoStrong relieved me from decades of chronic back and joint pain

Do you miss the life you had when you were pain-free?

My life changed forever after Osteostrong. Now, I can throw a football with my son, go for a run, and take an evening stroll with my wife again.

Osteostrong gave me my life back.

I remember the first time Dr. Jaquish gave a lecture on his prototype devices that we now have at OsteoStrong. I remember thinking, “God, this thing looks weird. Can this be true?” Next, Dr. Jaquish led me through my first Osteostrong session. 

I will be honest with you: I was scared the first time I did an Osteostrong session because I had a massive amount of joint and back pain in my knees, right hip, right shoulder, right elbow, and entire back. I constantly experienced migraine headaches. I was out of shape and in pain.

The idea of emulating high-impact force on my body was scary.

I thought, “Is this going to hurt me? What is going to happen?” Going into my session, my joints were cracking and I was trepidatious.

As a result of my fear, I held back in my first Osteostrong session with Dr. Jaquish. 

Before Osteostrong, I could not throw a football with my son because of the joint pain in my elbow. I could not go up and down stairs because of my cracking knees that were filled with chronic pain.

After my first five or six sessions at Osteostrong, my joint and back pain that had caused migraine headaches as well as the need to take 10-20 pain medications each week for decades was gone.

My knees no longer cracked as I went up and down the stairs. I could throw a football with my son again. My right hip no longer hurt when I went for a walk with my wife.

The idea of emulating high-impact force on my body was scary.

I was taking a long flight from coast to coast in the United States. I always sat in the aisle seat and had to recline my seat all the way back. If I could not recline, I would get claustrophobic because I knew that if my back started to tighten up, I would get a headache. That is why I had to always travel with pain medications.

As the plane began to land, the flight attendant came on the plane’s intercom and said that it was time to put our seats into the full upright position. As I went to adjust my seat, I realized that I had forgotten to recline my seat for the entire flight. My back did not hurt throughout the entire flight, and I had been sitting down for hours. I will never forget the shock I felt as I put my finger on the seat button that did not move. I was sitting up straight for the whole flight for the first time in decades.

I did not have any joint or back pain. Since that moment, I have been able to redevelop my physique.

Now, I can run again. My kids even want me to learn how to skateboard with them, and I can say yes. I never could have considered doing something like that 10 years ago, and all that physical activity has become available to me after six months of OsteoStrong.

It has been incredibly cool.

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